Sunday, 11 May 2014

What a difference a year makes

So.... How do you pick up on the story of a life after over a year has passed?

Back in 2012 I was newly married, newly unemployed and struggling to figure out who I was, what I wanted from my life and where I was going to go. Simply put I was lost, spending most of my time in a washed out grey state of mind. I had too much time on my hands and no clue how I was going to fill it.

So I gave myself a task, just one. I was going to get up each morning and wear red lipstick. That was all. From then on every day I would get up and put on my lipstick.

Suddenly things started changing, I started to get involved with the vintage scene in Essex. I started gigging and managed to land a regular gig as Connie Francis. I landed my own retro radio show. Slowly my days filled and the sense of purpose that had been eluding me became in reach.

Then one day, the day that changed everything, Mr Player and I drove to Brighton to audition for a company promising an amazing summer. I was sceptical, we had been knocked so many times I found it hard to believe that our fortunes could change that easily.

I was wrong.

We passed the audition and landed a contract. Three weeks later we flew to Madeira to start a new life in the sun. Since then we have done some amazing things, too many to count so I'll try and be brief:

- watched award winning fireworks on a hotel roof with champagne at New Years
- seen dolphins, seals and whales
- swam with sea turtles older than our grandparents
- seen the northern lights
- drunk with comedians, musicians, west end singers and more

This is just a taster list, one we're hoping to add to! Long story short, life has been - and still is - amazing. And truthfully? I put it all down to that one tiny decision to put on red lipstick. One thing I have learnt, and am continuing to learn every day, is the power we can have over our own lives. I've met a lot of people in the past year, most of whom I will never meet again but some of them will stay with me forever. The most inspirational people are the ones who keep on going no matter what, and some of them have dealt with some serious sh*t!

People are amazing, that's one thing I'm learning more and more. Especially women (sorry guys!), we are strong and powerful and in control. Long story short - we got this.

So I'm back. A bit older, hopefully a bit wiser, simultaneously surer and less certain about everything. We're currently beginning a new season in Turkey, we've survived our first year as full time musicians. Now it's time to face a whole new set of challenges.

I've still got my lipstick on, and I am ready for anything!

Mrs P xxx

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