Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Happy New Year!

I loved Christmas this year. It was Mr P and I’s first Christmas as a married couple and we really loved spending with our family but also finding some alone time for just the two of us. It was perfect. It was also nice to have a little break with just one gig between Christmas and New Years Eve. 

I channelled my Mrs Claus persona for Christmas

Of course it can’t last and after a stonking gig at Intimo restaurant New Years Eve its back to normality.

And so it’s also onto the...

New Year’s Resolutions.

My first one is obvious – I’m going to carry on putting on my red lippy. I’m up to 5 tubes now! I actually had one moment over the holidays that made me really realise how important my lipstick has become to me. I’d gone out for a drink with a friend in a local bar. When – every woman’s worst nightmare - a girl from Mr P’s past walked in and sat opposite me.

So what to do? The last thing I wanted to do whilst feeling bloated and run down from the holidays was sit opposite this particular lady (Mr P does like a pretty face). So, I did the only thing I could do.  I went to the toilets, looked myself in the eye, told myself firmly that no matter what I am the girl he has chosen and reapplied my lippy.

I think everyone feels a little insecure sometimes, especially about the past. But there’s nothing can be done to change it and putting on my lipstick certainly helped me face the situation and realise that – actually – it really doesn’t matter. The past is past for a reason and it’s our present that matters.

Of course the sparkling wine helped. Hey – I never pretended to be perfect.


My second resolution is a little vaguer. I want to carry on grabbing life with both hands. I’m starting my Burlesque classes soon and I have plenty of plans to volunteer and work in the New Year. I have a long list of things I want to achieve, some requiring more work than others. My dream of recording an album for cancer research for example is one that will take a lot of work and might not even be achievable this year, but it’s certainly one for the long term goal book.

Others, like eat less cheese, just take a little bit of willpower.

Thirdly I have resolved that in 2013 I want to celebrate everything, as much as possible. Every little event.

So far I plan to host a pancake party, to invite all the women of my family out to lunch for Valentine’s Day and to have a giant family BBQ to celebrate the summer solstice. And that is just the beginning! 2013 will be the year of the celebration with friends, family and anyone else I can drag in to my web...


This one isn't a resolution as such but for January 2013 I have officially signed up to the Dryathlon for cancer research. Basically it means I cannot have a drink for the entire month of January and instead I will donate every penny I would have spent on alcohol to cancer research. It also means that anybody out there who maybe would fancy buying me a drink can instead put the cost of a glass of rose down the pub (about £3.50) towards cancer research instead.

I was full of confidence when I signed up but I’m already finding myself thinking longingly of wine! It doesn’t help that earlier this evening Mr P and myself visited his family home for dinner only to discover his Nan was completely sloshed! She’d had a bad experience trying to phone customer service and had compensated with several large gins.

Dinner was lovely, might have been better if she’d remembered to cook the vegetables but I’ve always liked them crunchy.  Plus little hairy P was very grateful for the Yorkshire puddings that she’d forgotten to take out of the oven.

Anyway, surely that must be worth a couple of quid. To donate just head to 

I’m not asking for much, just the price of a glass of vino. Doesn’t even have to be a large one.

Think of me!

Mrs P

X x x x x x x x x

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