Saturday, 19 January 2013

The Joy of Being an Auntie

I never expected to be an Auntie...

My family is a little complicated, Mr P's less so, but essentially - and biologically - we are both only children. Not only are we both only children but I am an only child with no biological cousins to speak of. This isn't to say that we are deprived, Mr P has a huge extended family of Great Aunts, second Cousins, family friends and more and I have step-sisters and half brothers.

But when you start looking at the biological side of things things are a little sparse. Being an only does have benefits but there are downsides. Loneliness is one. The other is the knowledge that eventually your family will dwindle.

On my side especially I am very aware of the fact that one day I will be the only one left. There will be no-one to reminisce "Do you remember when..." because I am essentially the only one. No-one else has the same family memories as me. One day, hopefully far from now, the older generation of my family will be gone and I'll be the only one who can tell the stories of my family.


So that's why it's so amazing when life throws you a beautiful U-Turn.

A few months ago I reconnected with one of my step-sisters. Within the last 3 years she has had a son and twin daughters so things have been a little hectic and we had lost contact through no fault of our own. This was until November when - for no particular reason - we made the spur of the moment decision that I would come to stay for 4 days. It was the best time.

Spending time with my step-sister has been great, we've always got on incredibly well. But the most amazing part of all of this is that Mr P and I are now "Auntie and Uncle" and for two people who never ever expected to be called that it means more than you can possibly imagine.

It's not just being "Auntie" and "Uncle". It's also having a future. It's the idea that one day these children will think of us as that well into their adulthood. For us that is so important. For the first time I can see a future of family holidays, shared Christmasses, many many more years of building snowmen and sledging down hills. You have no idea how important family is until you don't have an awful lot of it - then you learn to appreciate what you've got.

So all of you out there who are an Auntie or Uncle, appreciate it, value it, and enjoy it.

Because you can always hand them back when they make a bad smell.


It's one of those facts of music that when you don't want to be offered work you'll be offered it by the bucketload. For example, this weekend Mr P and I have now turned down a total of 4 gigs so we can spend the weekend with my step-sister and her family. Come on gods of rock n roll! Throw us a bone!


On the plus side we were able to go sledging, and build a rockabilly snowman named Sid.

So all in all, can't complain!

Mrs P

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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